BEFORE and AFTER Photos; "Trailer Remodels"

Dearest Friends, We love you all and hope you are looking forward to good things in the New Year as we are. We are ever-so-grateful for Prophets of God who lead and guide us and who teach us to be at peace amidst a world in turmoil, #BecauseofHim whom gives us that peace . Now, more than ever, we know that the truths of the gospel are what bring us that calming and reassurance and understanding that all will be well as we follow Him. We are so grateful for the new Come, Follow Me program that has already blessed our lives greatly, and look forward to many days where we can work on becoming ' new creatures ' through Him. Our love to you all! This is month #17 for us. Today, as per some of your request, we're posting some of the before and after photos of some of the work we've done. We think it's symbolic of many of our own lives. We may be in great disarray before but as we allow light and truth to sink deep into our souls - and a true cleansing process t...