
Showing posts from December, 2017

Wow, how the month has flown....

I'm sorry to say that it's been almost a month since I last posted. The good part of that is that we've been extremely busy. The sad part is that you probably don't know how much we love and care about you all and keep you in our thoughts and prayers.  I saw this in a store a few weeks ago. It was just too cute not to share. :) I caught a cold a few days ago and it's been miserable. But, that means that today I had a little time to write so....all things serve a purpose.  :) Elder Hendricks is at Home Depot - (one of his favorite places) getting a few more items so we can continue our 'construction' work today. :)  Despite a runny nose, we've been working very hard the past few days (weeks actually) to get as much done before we leave next Thursday for Utah and for Amber and Zack's wedding! (yay) We are SO happy for them. We know that you, too, are all very busy. We are grateful when we here from you (a few of you) and for your love and su...

A Few Photos of our Adventures

Most of the photos we take are when we're out going somewhere - and not any of the things of normal daily routine such as: morning scripture study, PMG (Preach My Gospel study- oh how we love both of those, our language study-spanish, our daily walk when we can fit it in, our daily planning and preparations, out visiting people in their homes, going on lessons with the other missionaries, teaching our English Classes here and in the neighboring town, or attending our weekly district meetings with the other 6 Spanish-speaking Elders in our area, Zone Conferences, Family Home Evenings, the monthly spanish newsletter we make and mail out, our outreach to the greater community for English and Self-Reliance classes, Christmas gifts for those in need, shopping with some darling girls to help get them some needed basic clothes, working with some of the dear hispanics in this area to help fix up some of their homes etc. Most of these photos represent something 'out of the usual' ...