
Showing posts from August, 2018

We've Moved Across the Street - (AND Before and After Photos)

Hello friends, We've moved (across the street). Bottom line is that it's quieter and we're able to sleep better now. :) Quick rundown: Due to some knee problems for Elder Hendricks, we're swimming in the mornings now instead of walking. We wished we'd thought of this months ago.  We have to pool to ourselves at 6:30 am and it's been a pleasant and good workout. Overlooking pool from our back patio This is the view as we walk out our front door; a cement plant. :) This is how we get our groceries up several flights. Ha.  :) Kitchen area (if any of you care)  :) Our living area. More space for meetings and meals with missionaries. "His Eye is on the Sparrow" Ashley sent us this beautiful message and painting. We are SO grateful! We've will finish painting the one trailer this week and then be DONE!!! Yay!!! It's been a LOT of hard work, sweat and tears, but...good to be done and know that we truly help...