
Showing posts from January, 2018

Senior Missionary Blogs and our Daily Walk

I've enjoyed a blog by one of our former ward members in Provo (James Tanner). He and his wife are currently serving a mission in Annapolis, Maryland, digitizing records for family history. He's a remarkable family history expert anyway. I have received great strength from his posts and his messages. You can read his messages here:   Rejoice and Be Exceedingly Glad (and, isn't that a powerful name? How can we help but be happy to read his words?) Today we're busy doing some office work and preparing for our afternoon meeting with the Elders. We'll be discussing the new all-Spanish Sacrament Meeting, Sunday School, and Relief Society Meetings which will be held on Feb. 11, 2018, for the first time. We're hoping that by hearing the gospel solely in their own language (not translated) that they will be buoyed up and help to strengthen one another. It's been a privilege to be here during this time of the world's history. In no other era have we had so m...

Sharing the Gospel On-Line

So, one of the things I feel most strongly about is using new and revealed technologies for good; to strengthen others and to share the gospel online. I can't even begin to tell you all how strongly I feel about it. I have sometimes felt as Alma who cried: "O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, that I might go forth and speak with the  trump  of God, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people! " - Alma 29:1 We DO have a TRUMP; we have so many technologies that have been revealed us to do HIS work and to have our voice be heard further than our own backyard. If we can see them as such we will know that they can be used for MUCH good; and to share positive messages and/or become acquaintances or friends with many who are seeking for greater light and knowledge in their lives. Here is an EXCELLENT book from Greg Trimble that will teach you all more if you want to know more. He's doing much good - and so can all...

The Winds of Change and Bullet Point of Activities

I'm not really sure what that title means except it came to mind as I was deciding what to write about today and it seemed very applicable to what's happening in our lives and on our mission. So, yes, it's been windy and very, very cold; freezing to be exact. It's a humid cold and seems to get to your very bones. It was warmer all last week in Utah - so we were very happy for the rest of you and grateful for warm blankets and a furnace. Many in our area live in trailers. One particular elderly hispanic sister lives in dire circumstances and we went to check on her one night that the freeze was coming. We were going to remove her to a friends' home. But, she wanted to stay and told us that she was cooking on her stove and that would bring in a bit of heat. She wanted to stay home. The next night she called us to come and get her. We took her (and 8 loads of laundry) to an apt. with a friend. She was so grateful as she said she'd not really slept the previou...

Using Social Media to Share the Gospel Online

I have a deep and abiding love for the gospel of Jesus Christ and His teachings. For many years I have wanted to share the things that I know to be true. The new tools of technology coupled with the Spirit of the Lord, and sincerity, are powerful ways to lift and bless one another. I am grateful for those people that post meaningful and uplifting things online. That is the purpose, I believe, and the reason these tools have been revealed to us in this day and age. On a recent plane flight I was able to read Greg Trimble's new book " The Virtual Missionary " that I had felt strongly prompted to purchase a few weeks earlier. I wept as I read his words, the exact words that I feel and am driven to do. I'm SO grateful for tools that help us learn and share truths He quotes scripture and modern-day Prophets who teach of the influence we can be for good, and of our personal responsibility to share the gospel with those who 'know not where to find it'. ...

What are the things you KNOW for CERTAIN???

This is the talk I felt to give in church on Sunday. I know it was a topic inspired of the Lord and I'm deeply grateful for His guidance in what I should say to our congregation. I felt to share the things I KNOW for myself, independent of anyone else. And, I invite you to do the same. What are the things you know for CERTAIN??? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, Dec, 31, 2017 Fort Walton First Ward, Sister Hendricks Good Morning Brothers and Sisters. It’s good to be back with you again after spending a week in Utah for Christmas and our daughters wedding. We love you and are grateful for you. It has been a great blessing in our lives to get to know you and to offer all we are in His work. We hope to be fit servants for His Kingdom and to bless and lift those around us as we have been blessed. We desire to always have Christ at the Center of our lives. Today is the end of another year. As I pondered on wha...

FREE ENGLISH Classes in Fort Walton Beach, Florida

FREE English Classes begin TONIGHT - Jan. 2, 2018 and run for 12 weeks. Classes held each Tuesday and Thursday night at 7:00-7:30 in Fort Walton. All are invited!   (Address: Church at 339 Lake Dr. NW. Enter from back) Here is an article which explains a bit more: