MTC Experience and Church History Sites

We had an incredible 5 days in the Provo MTC (Missionary Training Center), where we were taught truths by the Spirit of the Lord and our wonderful young teachers. Our studies included lessons in the PMG (Preach My Gospel) Manual, the approved resource for all missionaries, on how to effectively share the gospel of Jesus Christ and lovingly invite others to draw nearer unto Him by reading, pondering and praying about the things we teach them, which are from God.

Our desire is to reach out in love to those around us and to help lift them up so that they can enjoy greater peace and happiness in this life and in the life to come.

We are now on our way to Florida and are stopping at a few Church Sites on the way. Because of hurricane #Irma, we were given until next Tuesday to arrive at our new apartment, so we've had a few extra days for which we are grateful.

We've been to Independence, Missouri, Liberty Jail, Carthage, and now Nauvoo. It's been a sacred journey as we've pondered on the lives of many who have sacrificed so much, and even died as martyr's for the gospel's sake. We pray to do the same; give our all in His service and in building up His Kingdom on earth in whatever small ways we can.

I am posting photos of our journey on instagram right now (Heidi.hendricks) until we get settled and get our computers hooked up.
Love to you all and "Hoorah for Israel"

"Mansion House" - Nauvoo, Illinois


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