Our Week in Review: The Errand of Angels

In a recent Sisters Meeting - for all the Sisters in our Mission - we discussed 'The Errand of Angels'.

A hymn comes to mind when we realize that each of us can help in the Lord's work and...lift others' around us. See "As Sisters in Zion".

2. The errand of angels is given to women;
And this is a gift that, as sisters, we claim:
To do whatsoever is gentle and human,
To cheer and to bless in humanity’s name.

As we go about our daily tasks, both Elder Hendricks and I are realizing how many need to be blessed and uplifted. We realize that all people are benefitted by kindness, sincerity and love.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend an hour at a storage unit with a guy who was helping us get registered for one (so that we can continue to store products as we help fix trailers for those in great need.)  By the end of the hour we'd become fairly good friends and he agreed to help distribute information about our English Class. As we visited I realized that he is just one of many in this area who 'know not God' and who are just living day to day.

My heart breaks to know of so many who don't know who they are, why they are REALLY here, and how they can find greater peace and happiness and joy in their lives by living correct principles and turning to the Lord for His peace and comfort and guidance.

Yesterday we worked on the roof of a trailer in a neighboring town. Thankfully, 4 of our amazing Elders here, came to help us lift the HEAVY stuff and serve for a few hours. We love them so much and they are always willing to help if they can. It's a beautiful thing to see. They are also 'on the errand of angels".

SO grateful for these amazing young men (Elders)!!!!! We love them!!!

The weather has been very pleasant lately - which really helps as we're working out in the sun much of the day. We're always grateful for a pleasant breeze which reduces the discomfort of humidity.  :)

Army/Navy Store for NEEDED "Coveralls" 

Elder Hendricks at Work  :)

We've been teaching English Classes for the past two weeks and have felt greatly humbled at those who come. We love them immediately, as we have prayed for that, and see such goodness in them and desire to learn English.

Many of them suffer because they can't get better jobs or education because of their lack of communication. We are grateful we are able to teach this inspired program "Daily Does English" in two different towns here, and pray that many more will reap it's benefits.

The greatest joy we've felt here is that we are serving our fellowman. They may not know in all the ways that we are reaching out to make life better for as many as we can, but, we know and we know that Heavenly Father knows, and we are so very #GRATEFUL to be On His Errand.

Love to you from,
Sister (and Elder) Hendricks

Doing what he does best; working and helping others!

Grateful for the cloud cover that day - it really helped cools us off.  :)


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