Mission Highlights - September 2018

Hello all,

We're busy as can be. Hoping to be able to get it all done within the next several months.

Last Family Home Evening was a special 'cultural evening' decorated with maps and flags from the varying countries represented by our group, favorite foods they prepared to share, and piñatas filled with goodies for the children. We have several creative and artistic ladies who go to a lot of work each month. It has been wonderful to see all they do in service and for the benefit of everyone else. Oh, how we love them. (we're not allowed to post photos of them. sorry.)

Very cute Piñata made by one of our very talented members

Had an excellent 1-day Senior's Conference in Tallahassee last weekend. Met with the 14 other couples serving in the mission (two who just arrived). Felt humbled by their presence, their goodness, and their desires to serve. It was one of the highlights of our service here, to mingle with them and to spend a few hours getting to know them better and sharing ideas and insights.

We went to Wakulla Springs State Park and took a short ride up and down the river. We saw a number of alligators and a nest of little babies (probably 7 inches long), lots of birds and ducks and fish. It was a nice outing with wonderful company.

We've started our final 12-week English Class and advertised on a local FB group. The response was very good. We had lots of comments and texts and phone calls inquiring for more information. 37 new students from various countries attended last Thursday evening - so we divided into 2 groups and were grateful for the 4 missionaries and 2 other English speakers who were there to help us.
We're hoping to be able to do 4 groups for smaller class sizes and more attention.

This Friday we'll be headed to Fox Run for a very special meeting with a member of the quorum of the Seventy. These are some of our favorite and most powerful meetings.  He's invited us all to study the Abrahamic Covenant, Twelve Tribes and Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood. We are grateful for his invitation and for what we've learned. The more we study the more in-awe we are at all there is to learn and how incredible the plan of God is. It's humbling beyond compare.

In October we'll be taking a group up to Atlanta to the Temple to attend a session or two. And three people will be receiving their Patriarchal blessings in Spanish the following morning. They are older and have been waiting for this blessing for a long time. We're grateful to be able to help with that.

The sisters in the ward want me to teach them to make strawberry jam next week, so, that's on the schedule.

And, as a district we've been working on a project under the direction of our Mission Pres. to be able to find ways to use social media more effectively in the work we're all doing. We've had lots of time with the missionaries recently to counsel together and find out the needs of those they are teaching. They decided that there needed to be one-place they could invite people - where we could post information and video messages to answer some of the common questions or misunderstandings people have about our beliefs.

The site is a FB page - which we invite you all to at this time - and would appreciate your comments on the messages posted. These are outstanding missionaries we're working with. They are so dedicated and have all sacrificed much to serve here. Thanks for any input you can give as we seek to all be able to be more effective and transparent and clear in helping others' come to Christ.


Love to you all,
Hermana (and Elder) Hendricks


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