Heavenly Father, Are You Really There?

  1. This is a special post from Elder Hendricks. 
We continue working on different projects and assignments. Some of the current ones are:
  • We will be completing our last major fixer upper in a couple of weeks. I am including a photo of demo day and next month we will send a photo of the finish product. I will tell you pictures don't do justice to what we run into-everything from cockroaches to a dead rat. It can be so gross but when you are done you know that you have done something for them that they can't do for themselves.
  • Once a month family home evening is something that the saints really look forward to. Heidi works so hard on this. She cooks the meal and makes sure every detail is attended to.
  • Our weekly English class is an amazing experience. We have been having about 50 people a week coming and wanting to learn some english. We have made many friends. One young lady ... has been coming for about six months and contacted some missionaries in Mexico wondering about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They sent a referral to missionaries here and when they contacted her they recognized her and had us come over. She expressed that she wanted us to teach her. On the second visit she invited a friend and her teenage daughter. On the third visit her friend brought her parents who are visiting here from Honduras. They recently lost their daughter and have been devastated. Heidi was able to share the plan of salvation and there were tears shed. While she was sharing these wonderful truths the young girl asked with such sincerity. "So you mean that after we die we will live again?"
  • Our Mission Presidents wife called Heidi a couple of months ago and asked if she would work with the missionaries and come up with a plan as to how they could use social media in an appropriate way to further missionary work. Heidi has been working with the missionaries helping them create content for a facebook page called "Truth about his Church". It has been a rewarding project for the missionaries. They will be presenting what they have done at our next zone conference. Visit the site and make a comment.
In addition to all of what has been going on the Florida panhandle was hit by a monster hurricane named Michael. Yes they named it after me. I would think they would have thought of something more uplifting to use my name for but we will never forget what happened. The storm hit fairly close but we were on the west side of it and it had little affect on us. The missionaries have been going down on weekends to help with the cleanup. I think that because of the damage they have reassigned many missionaries. On this last transfer the number of missionaries serving here in Fort Walton Beach went from 6 to 12.

In closing remember the simple but profound truths we have been taught in our youth. Families are everythingPray he is there; Speak he is listening. You are his child; His love now surrounds you." We seek his help everyday and see many miracles!

We send our love,

Elder and Hermana Hendricks


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